Mike Larmer - Mason Rumpole
Josh Jennings - Rocky Stallion
Brette Pfeifer - Madonna Bux
Mike Karnes - Lt. Clueseau
Molly Oliver - Nurse Hatchet
Ron Redick - Porky Prudhomme
Terry Stover - Indy Kowalski
Tom Harbaugh - Guy Happy
Jim Myers - Heathcliffe Bux
Kristy Karnes - Jane Bronte
Joyce Mahin - Librarian
Director - Amanda Wahlmeier
Porky Prudhomme hams it up...

Thanks to all who came and to our sponsors Colby Convention Center, Colby Bowl and Fun Center, Colby Dental Hygiene Students, Someplace Special and Amanda Wahlmeier for doing a superb job in directing the mystery. It was a murderously good performance!