Pioneer Memorial Library

Friday, November 22, 2013

Book Club - Come and Join Us! - First Monday of the Month

We have lots of discussion and fun. December's book will read
The Art of Racing in the Rain, by Garth Stein. It is a great book narrated from a dog's point of view.  You will love it.

January's Book is David & Goliath by Gladwell.

Monday, November 11, 2013

November BFL 2013 - by Ann Miner

Ann Miner spoke on the book, Misplaced Massacre: Struggling Over the Memory of Sand Creek, by Ari Kelman.

Ann did an excellent review of the recent discoveries that forensic science and archeology have brought together to solve the true place of the massacre, the situation behind it and the bodies that were found.

We had 58 people attend who asked lots of questions.