Pioneer Memorial Library

Monday, May 26, 2014

Adult/Teen Summer Reading began June 1, 2014!

Summer reading is not just for kids anymore!  The Pioneer Memorial Library has had an Adult/Teen Summer Reading programing for two years now.  This years is entitled, “Spark A Reaction – Read!” This year we are stepping up the participation just a bit. Our Adult Services Librarian, Nancy Saddler has kept the basic program of the patron reading a book, filling out a card and being entered into a drawing for a prize. However, this year we have added a “Tic Tac Toe Game Challenge” to be entered into win a Kindle eReader. The adult or teen picks up the Tic Tac Toe game from the library, then reads books from 9 different categories.  Each Tic Tac Toe (across, up & down, or diagonal) is one entry for the Grand Prize. If a person gets all 8 possible Tic Tac Toe combinations they get 2 extra chances.  Thus, entering that person in for a total of 10 possibilities to win.  This Tic Tac Toe card must be turned in by August 1, 2014.  So you have lots of time to read the categories or genres on the card!

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