Pioneer Memorial Library

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sponge Bob and all his friends visit newly spruced up library!

Sponge Bob and all his friends visited the Pioneer Memorial Library! These items were made by children during summer reading!!


Friday, May 11, 2012

Open House after Refurbising Project!!

                   The Pioneer Memorial Library held its OPEN HOUSE on May 20, 2012. 

We had all the carpet, tile, electrical, painting and other projects finished during a month of being closed. We did a lot of cleaning from all the dust stired up too! We touched every book before opening and dusted every shelf and surface. Staff did it with joy however because of the renewed sense of pride and spirit we had after working so hard together during this time! We want to thank  our Library Board of Trustees, the Neville Trust, as well as the contractors and workers who made the transformation possible.  We want to thank our patrons for their patience while we were close! You were absolutely great!!! Here are some of the photos from the event!

We had not received our new comfy chairs yet! They will come soon!