Pioneer Memorial Library

Monday, December 29, 2014

Pioneer Memorial Library - Blog to discontinue - Going to Facebook beginning January 1, 2015!

Pioneer Memorial Library Blog is being 

discontinued as if January 1, 2015!                                      

We are moving to FACEBOOK!

You will find our advertisements 

and discussions on the  

Pioneer Memorial Library Facebook page: 


Like us on the page and you too can interact with us!

We find that we have better interaction with citizens and loading materials is simpler for all of us.  We will keep the PML Blog site up for archival purposes and welcome you to view the materials posted.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December Booked for Lunch - inspired by a family of musicians!

The O'Brien family brought in the Christmas season for us.  Mother, and 3 children played stringed instruments, while 2 other children: helped with staging, music and backdrop.

They played some great classics and fun materials for us.  We enjoyed hot soups or chili with a veggie tray and hot cinnamon rolls!

Heartland students also presented one song for us during the program as well.
The program was sponsored by the Friends of  Pioneer Memorial Library.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Booked for Lunch - November 5, 2014

Rich Hawkins presented the book, "Troubled Hero," in honor of Veterans Day for the Pioneer Memorial Library.  He discussed the background of a young man who served during the Vietnam War and the way it effected him, his family and community.  Hawkins passionate presentation of the book, reminded us all that war does affect our lives dramatically when it touches the personal lives of those we love.

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Booked for Lunch - October 1, 2014

Author, Marj Brown spoke at the Pioneer Memorial Library on October 1, 2014.  Her newest book entitled, "Secrets of Roberts Mountain" was hot off the press.  She presented a great presentation about this fiction novel and her writing process.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Booked for Lunch - September 3, 2015

The Pioneer Memorial Library held its opening Booked for Lunch for the season on September 3, 2015.  Melany Wilks, Library Director spoke on two books: "Girls of Atomic City," by Denise Kiernan and "Pandora's Box," by Brian VanDeMark.

The "Girls of Atomic City," brought up discussions of secrecy of the work being done by so many women and men in this specially located place.  The difficult living conditions were highlighted for many who lived in the place.

Wilks also discussed the difficult decisions the scientists had to make regarding creating an instrument of mass destruction and the knowledge and problems it would bring to the future of our world. She pointed out that the scientists believed that if the this technology was to be discovered and implemented by a fascist nation, the world would be in deep trouble.

Friday, September 05, 2014

We're a Family Place Library!

We officially became a Family Place LibraryTM on Thursday September 4th! This comes after a two year process of offering parent-child workshops and  re-energizing the libraries' focus concerning young children and their parents.

The Family Place LibraryTM concept is to strengthen libraries in their role as a resource, not only for early literacy and learning, but also for healthy child development and family support because all families need access to resources, information and support, especially in their efforts to raise healthy and productive children.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Healthy Choices for Home and Work!

The Thomas County Coalition and the Pioneer Memorial Library hosted Business After Five, a local Chamber event for businesses. The library is a member of the Coalition and as a member we created fund healthy food choices for hors d'oeuvres and 4 different types of infused water.  We also had a database for guests to add their health information and make a dietary workup for themselves, the Wii Fit up and running, a great Standing Desk, Cycling device for exercise under your desk, an exercise cycle with a computer plugged on the handle bars.

We had information about Colby's Walking Bus routes, trivia on food, healthy cookbooks and nutrition ideas and so much more!


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hobby Fair to be held October 11, 2014!

The Friends of the Pioneer Memorial Library are sponsoring a Hobby Fair at the library! The event will be held Saturday, October 11, 2014 from 12:00 to 4:00 pm.

Do you have a Hobby you Absolutely love? I’m talking can’t wait to leave work so you can do it kind of hobby! Could be a hobby like:

Wine making, photography, stamp or coin collecting, painting, drawing, scrapbooking, antiques, or just collecting fun items of interest, really the list is endless. Have you ever thought about sharing your hobby with others?

I’m sure you have the passion, knowledge and expertise someone else might benefit from!  Why not create a community around it? Surely there are others who share the same interests as you...even if they’re just starting for the first time.

Please print out the Hobby Fair sign-up sheet below and return it to the Pioneer Memorial Library at 375 W. 4th Street Colby, KS 67701.  If you have any questions, please call 785-460-4470.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Awesome! --- Blow Out Book Sale in August!

The Pioneer Memorial Library is all set up for our Blow-Out Book Sale! It starts next Monday, July 28, 2014 and continues until August 3, 2014.. We will have many genres and types of materials in the sale: romances novels, paperback books, large print books, hardback items of all kinds, Christian or spiritual materials, westerns, science fiction, children’s and youth books and materials, non-fiction items: cookbooks, home repair, crafts, scrap-booking, how-to’s, building, remodeling, decorating, gardening, music, art, computer, health, diet, and exercise books, picture books, poetry, history, Kansas or regional histories, the classics, English literature, textbooks, audio books in CD format, movies in DVD (a few) and lots of VHS movies, TV series in DVD form and more! I know that we have so many VHS movies that we will be selling them .50¢ a flat. Prices lower throughout the week.  We will be taking credit and debit card payments of $2.00 and above for purchases at the book sale. 

Monday, July 07, 2014

Thad Beach: Singing Science

With a great crowd of 94, we enjoyed an hour of music, dancing and the ever-popular "Band in a Bucket"! We even learned about the Science of Sound and some Life Science too!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Notary Public Service at Pioneer Memorial Library!

We are excited to tell you about another new service that the Library is offering for local residents. We found we were having numerous requests for a notary. In staff discussions, Kim Brier, our Assistant Director, stated she’d like to take on that portfolio. With Pioneer Memorial Library Trustee Board approval, we now have notary service available for a nominal charge of $2.00 per notary item. Notary service will be available, Monday through Friday 9:00 am. until 5:00 pm. (as long as Kim is in the office). You can always call ahead and make an appointment with her (460-4470). 

Technology Classes in July Begin

The Pioneer Memorial Library is preparing to offer free basic computer classes. The series is “Computer ‘101’ Classes.” They start Thursday, July 3, 2014 at 1:30 pm.  We have limited computers and thus spacing, so signup is necessary.  In the first module, “Computer 101” we will learn the basics of operating a computer (review the hardware, turning it on, how to find programs, etc.). We will also cover subjects: Internet 101, Email 101 and Facebook 101 (four week series). The dates for each session is July 3, July 10, and July 17, and August 7. Come by the library and fill out the registration form for signup.
The next set of classes will be “Microsoft Word 101” (four week series): August 14, August 21, August 28, and September 4. We will learn how to create and save  documents,   access and use help, open and navigate documents, edit and format text, and more.
The third module is entitled “Microsoft Excel 101” (three week series), dates include: September 11, September 18, and September 25. We will learn how to create and save spreadsheets, format and adjust columns and rows, create simple formulas, and more.
In the fourth section of our technology classes we will study “Microsoft Publisher 101” (three week series), with dates including: October 2, October 9, and October 16. There participants will learn how to create and save publications (flyers, cards, brochures, etc.), insert pictures and objects, edit publications and more.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Laughing Matters: Chain Reaction

75 people enjoyed a silly afternoon with Jay and Leslie Cady. They served up some solid science and created a hilarious chain reaction with audience members.
Give those kids a hand! We as adults know how hard it can be to keep all those plates spinning in the air at once!

Friday, June 06, 2014

Spin, POP, Boom!

69 people attended a wonderful afternoon with Mad Science of Colorado. Everyone enjoyed the scientist's energetic and spectacular program that introduced many of the kids to the exciting world of chemistry.
He even gave our children's librarian an extra hand (seen in the picture) for doing such as fantastic job with summer reading!

Monday, June 02, 2014

BubbleRama: Summer Reading Kick Off Event

Approximately 150 people stopped by on a hot day in May when we had bubbles everywhere on the east lawn of the library! Big Bubble Pools, Bubble Snakes, Bubble Wands and Bubble Art were just some of the fun had by local children and their parents. Sign Up for the Reading Challenge Game was also taking place.
Bubble Snakes

Bubble Art
Gigantic Bubbles

Monday, May 26, 2014

Adult/Teen Summer Reading began June 1, 2014!

Summer reading is not just for kids anymore!  The Pioneer Memorial Library has had an Adult/Teen Summer Reading programing for two years now.  This years is entitled, “Spark A Reaction – Read!” This year we are stepping up the participation just a bit. Our Adult Services Librarian, Nancy Saddler has kept the basic program of the patron reading a book, filling out a card and being entered into a drawing for a prize. However, this year we have added a “Tic Tac Toe Game Challenge” to be entered into win a Kindle eReader. The adult or teen picks up the Tic Tac Toe game from the library, then reads books from 9 different categories.  Each Tic Tac Toe (across, up & down, or diagonal) is one entry for the Grand Prize. If a person gets all 8 possible Tic Tac Toe combinations they get 2 extra chances.  Thus, entering that person in for a total of 10 possibilities to win.  This Tic Tac Toe card must be turned in by August 1, 2014.  So you have lots of time to read the categories or genres on the card!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Booked for Lunch: Author, David Piper talks on his book,"Church of the God Particle"

 David Piper, son of Nancy Piper returned to Colby where he grew up. David shared his most recent mystery entitled, "Church of the God Particle." It has a scientific prodigy decide to seek the spiritual side of matter.  

People will stop at nothing to gain the power to control circumstances that can bring scientific discovery to a new level.

Murder and mystery are intertwined with science.  A fun read.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

National Library Week, 2014 -- Libraries Change Lives!

The Pioneer Memorial Library averaged 60 persons per day for special speakers and lunch during our celebration of National Library Week. During that week we had local writers of poetry also share their work from the March 5th Poetry Workshop (sponsored by the Thomas County Community Foundation - Patricia A. Embree Trust).  Everyone appreciated the work shared. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

2014 - Murder Mystery a Success!

The Friends of the Pioneer Memorial Library held their 10th Annual Murder Mystery! A great cast and great audience ensured a great night of fun!

Monday, March 24, 2014

"Art Friendsy - Chair-ish Your Library" Fundraiser - 2014

The Friends of Pioneer Memorial Library asked local artists, be they adult, teens or children to contribute the the "Chair-ish Your Library project for the second year.  The Friends ended up with 4 wonderful chairs creatively designed and painted by 4 middler school groups of art students, 1 chair by two high school teachers, a table and chair by an interior decorator and her young adult daughter, an artist and her husband who designed the lady bug rolling chair, and other artists who presented their wares!  We made over $1,000.00 for this project!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Poetry Workshop conducted by Kansas Poet Laureate, Wyatt Townley

Wyatt Townley, the Kansas Poet Laureate stayed at the library after Booked For Lunch and taught 14 participants how to write an American Cinquain poem. This workshop was sponsored by the Patricia A. Embree Trust Fund at the Thomas County Community Foundation.

Wyatt had us begin by thinking about home.  What was in each room of our house. Then we choose a room and thought about it for about 5 minutes. We then wrote some notes down on our thoughts.

A Cinaquain poem is a poem that has 5 stanzas with different syllables on each line. Once we had grasped that, we tried our hand at writing something.  Most of us shared our creations with the group.  We had some real talent.  We need to start a poetry group so that such gifted communicators can begin to share their thoughts and creativity with others!