Pioneer Memorial Library

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

National Library Week 2010

The Pioneer Memorial Library hosted a variety of speakers and authors April 12th to April 16th. Special lunches were served every day.

Rick Ress discusses "Master of War: The Live of General George H. Thomas," by Benson Brobrick. What we discovered was that General Thomas had high standards and believed in hard work. We cam away appreciating the fact that Thomas County was named after the General.

Joanne Sunderman discussed "Impeached: The Trial of President Andrew Johnson and the fight for Lincoln's Legacy." She explained to the audience the importance of the rule of law during impeachment and how Kansas legislatures saved Andrew's Presidency.
The local Colby Writers Club presented work for the community today. A devotional work, "Seasons of Salt: Meditations," by Millie Horlacher, a fiction book about depression and Alzheimers; "All Stubborned Up," by Nancy Larsen-Sanders, delightful poems, stories from genological research on family.

Joanne Emerick held the audience spell-bound by discussing and reading from her soon to be published book, "Courage Before Every Danger." She was so good that the audience begged us to have her back when her book has come out.! "Courage Before Every Danger" is about the 31st bomber squadron that flew during World War II (; also see

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